We pray and God gives the increase!

International Newsletter

Community Bible Study holds a core organizational belief that we will grow as the Lord leads.  We praise God for how He has taken CBS from a USA ministry to a truly global ministry in the past 49 years.

More than a million people are studying God’s Word in 88 heart languages in CBS today, and that’s why we celebrate when God opens the door to new countries or people groups or when we add a new language.

I am excited to share with you some recent launches in new areas or altogether new countries for CBS!

BRAZIL While CBS classes have been established in northern Brazil for some time,the Lord opened doors in March to train 60 leaders in São Paulo in the south. As follow up continues with these leaders, God called a talented young leader to the role of National Director in Brazil. Please pray for the ministry to expand even more in Brazil.

ANGOLA In late April, there was a joint effort to launch the ministry for the first time in Angola. CBS leaders from Zambia and Mozambique, as well as International Ambassadors from the United Statese all traveled to train a group of leaders who have since launched CBS classes in their churches.

GUYANA CBS also launched in Guyana this year, and the story of this launch goes back to 2015 in Zambia. At that time, International Ambassadors and a national leader in the United Church of Zambia were busy training and raising up future leaders for CBS. One of the men trained was Rev. Manda, who was sent by his church in Zambia as a missionary to Guyana. When Rev. Manda came to a training in Guyana, the Latin America and Caribbean Director was surprised to find he was already a trained CBS leader!

SOUTH AFRICA We praise God for open doors in South Africa this year! After almost two years of waiting for the Lord to open the right doors in that country, Prosper Isichei, our Regional Director was able to travel to South Africa in March and introduce CBS to leaders in Johannesburg and Cape Town. The welcome Prosper received from the leaders there was incredible! One leader said, “I have been asking God for His plan for our next phase of ministry, and I believe CBS is God’s response to me.”

Prosper returned to South Africa in July with other ministry leaders to train for both children and adult studies in two different locations.

Classes have been launched in six denominations that attended the training. There is a strong network of churches in these areas that are looking for solid discipleship resources. They serve underprivileged and unsafe communities, so please pray for these efforts to come alongside the church in South Africa.


Another significant new country for CBS is the Republic of the Congo, where CBS launched in July in the capital city, Brazzaville.

All of this God-led growth reminds me of Habakkuk 2:14, “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” Jesus gave mandates to take the Gospel to every nation and to the ends of the earth (Matthew 28:19, Acts 1:8).

t is such a privilege to serve alongside leaders who share this passion and are committed to growing the ministry as the Lord leads.

Would you consider how God may be asking you to come alongside CBS? When God leads the growth, He also provides for the growth. He does this through those who support the ministry through prayer and financially. If you’re not currently supporting the ministry, would you consider how God might be inviting you to be a part of the future growth of the ministry? The prayers and donations of today are instrumental in how God advances the ministry tomorrow. Will you join us?