May 31, 2024

Jacquie Parker | May 31, 2024

“I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live…” John 11:25 

Praise God for a successful training for leaders in an unnamed country in the East Asia-Pacific Region. Please pray for discernment, patience, and love as they guide CBS participants in the study of His Word.

Praise God for His faithfulness in gifting and calling His chosen Servants Team leaders to serve in the Philly Metro Zone.

Please pray for the Northern Plains Zone CBS participants to be a source of light and encouragement and reflect God’s love in all they do this summer.

Please pray for God to guide and direct newly trained CBS NextGen leaders in North America as they assume their new roles. Please pray they develop strong bonds within their Servants Teams and with their shepherds.

Please pray for God to open doors for the CBS ministry to expand in Portugal. Pray for a meeting this month with pastors that are considering using CBS materials and methods in their discipleship efforts.

Please pray for God to prepare leaders’ hearts for the upcoming Children & Youth training in El Salvador. Pray that the participants will be encouraged to begin a study in their congregations.

Please pray for God’s direction for the right location for a class in the Southern California Zone in order to meet their growing needs for next year and beyond.

Please pray on behalf of CBS leaders and participants who are experiencing persecution for their faith. Ask the Lord for mercy for them and for the courage to endure the trials they are facing. Pray they will be aware of God’s presence with them.