May 30, 2024

Jacquie Parker | May 30, 2024

So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6:10

Praise God for the many CBS leaders recently trained in France. Please pray that they will be encouraged and inspired as they lead and pray for direction as they each choose their next study.

Praise God for new Children & Youth classes in Honduras. Please pray for God’s provision for all that is needed to lead the children.

Praise the Lord with the North Carolina East Zone for His provision of NextGen Directors and Children & Youth Directors who faithfully and lovingly serve His children and youth in their communities. Grant them restorative rest this summer.

Please join the Philly Metro Zone in prayer that God will continue to fill out their leadership for next year, calling and equipping class participants to serve Him in leadership roles.

Please pray for classes in South Central Texas Zone who are still seeking God’s called Servants Team leaders and class leaders. Teach them to abide in the Vine and depend on Him to bring forth those He is calling, give them the perseverance to trust and wait on Him.

Please pray for the completion of the translation of the Gospel of John for the CBS participants in Mongolia.

Please pray for the protection of the CBS leaders and participants in the many countries hostile to Christians. Ask God to strengthen them and encourage them to persevere in spite of persecution.