June 7, 2024

Jacquie Parker | June 7, 2024

Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14

Praise God for His Word and the wonderful way it is impacting CBS students in Guatemala. Please pray for the leaders to be encouraged as they continue to serve with diligence.

Praise God for the North American Region Community Bible Study Support Teams that provide encouragement, guidance and wisdom to classes throughout the Georgia Zone.

Praise God for the successful training of 50 new CBS class leaders in March who will now be training 500 group leaders in Madagascar. Please pray for those preparing the training as well as those attending to not be overwhelmed.

Praise God for the graduate students at the School of Bible and Discipleship in Sweden. Please pray that they will finish well with the CBS course on Romans and that they will have the desire to begin groups of their own.

Please pray for the Lord to raise up more NextGen Directors so that every Servants Team, in every class in the Mountain Pacific Subregion, will be complete and well-equipped to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in every generation.

Please pray for the translation work for the Gospel of John for CBS participants in Mongolia.

Please pray that the joy of the Lord will be the strength of all who serve in the West Texas Zone as they reflect on the goodness and mercy of our Lord to bless and sustain their classes and Leaders Councils during the current summer break.

Please pray for God’s sustaining grace for CBS leaders and participants who live in countries hostile to Christians.