June 21, 2024

Jacquie Parker | June 21, 2024

For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him. Psalm 62:5

Praise God with the Virginia South Zone for crowning this class year with His bountiful harvest where even the hard pathways are overflowing. (Psalm 65:11 NLT)

Praise God for the faithfulness and perseverance of CBS leaders and participants in an undisclosed country in the Sub-Saharan Africa Region as they face many challenges yet love to study God’s Word and proclaim His Truth to others.

Praise God for the person interested in serving the CBS ministry in Finland. Please pray that the Lord will lead and guide him to where he can use his gifts.

Please pray for increased interest among the youth to join CBS Bible classes in Australia. Pray for God to provide the appropriate CBS material that will be most effective for them.

Please pray for the Northern Plains classes that are seeking leadership for the 2024-25 class year that God will prepare the hearts of those whom He is calling.

Please pray for God’s provision for the Children & Youth materials needed for the classes in an unnamed country in the Latin America & the Caribbean Region.

Please pray for the CBS online app that is being piloted in the United Kingdom and Europe. Pray for God’s provision for the administrative needs to support this resource.

Please pray with our Canadian CBS family for God to provide His chosen servants to fill leadership roles in their classes. Pray they will discern those who are being called and their desire to embrace forward-thinking, succession leadership planning, growth, reaching the next generation, and in building relationships.

Please pray for CBS leaders and participants who have been separated from their families and communities due to persecution for their faith.  Pray they trust in the Lord and hold fast to the Gospel knowing that nothing can separate them from God’s love.