June 18, 2024

Jacquie Parker | June 18, 2024

“You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Matthew 16:16

Praise God for a plan that will provide CBS materials to 100 new participants in an underprivileged area in the East Asia-Pacific Region for one year without a fee. Please pray for the participants to be encouraged by God’s Word and that they will be able to continue after the first year.

Praise God for a fruitful year of Bible study in the West Texas Zone and the blessing of many meaningful connections formed with class participants.

Praise God for the successful Seed4Seed generosity project held across the Sub-Saharan Africa Region last month. Please pray that their participants and donors will continue to excel in the grace of generosity.

Praise God for all the men, women and children in the Florida North Zone that have registered for fall classes.

Please pray that the CBS participants in Ireland will be bold and invite others to join the study of His Word.

Please pray that our God who draws all men to Himself, will especially draw young moms and children into CBS classes in the New York Metro Zone and that He will bring revival to every NextGen program and provide an abundance of teachers for their children and students.

Please pray for God’s favor during a meeting this month with a key contact for the CBS ministry in Honduras.

Please pray for CBS leaders and participants studying the Bible in prisons around the world.  Pray for them to know the grace and mercy of God as their lives are transformed through the study of His Word.