June 10, 2024

Jacquie Parker | June 10, 2024

“You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Matthew 16:16

Praise God with the Florida North Zone for the continued growth of their Agape Ministry, for their devoted leaders and volunteers and the love of God they see in the lives of their participants. Please pray that their summer activities will be well-attended, enjoyed, and glorifying to God.

Praise the Lord for the amazing Sharing/Celebration Days in the Central Plains Zone where His name was high and lifted up and lives were transformed by His Word.

Please pray for wisdom, enthusiasm and creativity for the CBS leaders that are using Children & Youth material in churches in Spain.

Please pray for God’s provision for the CBS Children & Youth resource project that plans to reach 80 children’s centers across Malawi.

Please pray for every leader in the New England & Upstate New York Zone to experience deep refreshment and rest over the summer.

Please pray for God to open doors for Spoken CBS and Children & Youth trainings in an unnamed country in the East Asia-Pacific Region. Pray that churches will embrace CBS methods and materials for their congregations.

Please pray for the CBS leadership training this month in an undisclosed country in the South Asia Region. Pray that the attendees will be confident and implement what they have learned in their class.

Please pray for the CBS leaders, coordinators, and Children & Youth teams leading classes either face-to-face or online in Japan. Pray that they will not become weary or discouraged but will persevere and give full commitment to God and to the people they serve.

Please pray for King Jesus to embolden CBS leaders and participants to continue to proclaim the good news of His kingdom in the face of opposition.