July 2, 2024

Jacquie Parker | July 2, 2024

Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word. 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

Praise God for the giving hearts of many participants in CBS classes in Zimbabwe as they designated a specific Sunday in their churches to promote studying God’s Word and collect funds for CBS.

Praise God for Sharing Day testimonies full of praise, transformation, and salvation throughout the North Carolina West Zone. Please pray for their Servants Teams and Leaders Councils to experience a rejuvenating and restful summer break.

Praise God for the leaders in the Arizona/New Mexico Zone who serve faithfully and share God’s light in the darkness.

Please pray for God’s leading and provision in Wales as they desire to begin translating additional CBS lessons for the participants in their country.

Please pray that the Lord will raise up leaders for Spoken CBS in Taiwan. Pray that the Lord will prepare the way as they desire to introduce this method in their communities.

Please pray for continuing leadership needs in the New York Metro Zone, and that as they wait on Him, they will trust in His provision and His timing (Luke 10:2). Please also pray that each new class study will be powerful, inspiring and transforming.

Please pray for King Jesus to embolden CBS leaders and participants to continue to proclaim the good news of His kingdom in the face of opposition.