July 17, 2024

Jacquie Parker | July 17, 2024

“You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Matthew 16:16

Praise and give thanks to the Lord with the Florida North Zone for the Agape ministry and ask God to provide the needed leadership to shepherd these enthusiastic participants.

Praise God for an Italian couple who have committed to lead a home group studying “God’s Amazing Book.” Please pray that this would lead to a harvest of additional groups in Italy.

Please pray for God to raise up a national leadership team for the CBS ministry in Hong Kong.

Please pray that the Lord would draw the hearts of those He is calling to serve in leadership positions in the New England and Upstate New York Zone.

Please pray for Spoken CBS training next month in Zambia. Ask God to call leaders with willing hearts to serve oral learners in the ten provinces of the country.

Please pray North American NextGen leaders would long for God’s precepts in all they say and do according to Psalm 119:40.

Please pray for the protection of the CBS leaders and participants in the many countries hostile to Christians. Ask God to strengthen them and encourage them to persevere in spite of persecution.