July 11, 2024

Jacquie Parker | July 11, 2024

“Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!” Isaiah 6:3b

Praise God for an exceptionally successful Seed4Seed campaign this year for the Sub-Saharan Africa Region. Please pray for His continued favor for this growing local resource development initiative.

Praise the Lord for the completion of a full CBS year that ended in peaceful, praise-filled, and wonderful Sharing Days for classes in the Philly Metro Zone.

Please pray that the Lord will lead the Florida North Zone Servants Teams as they prepare for fall Leaders Council Training. Pray that God will bless them with creativity and wisdom as they plan and provide an enriching and motivating training.

Please pray for resources and collaborations that will support the translation and distribution of CBS lessons in Romania.

Please pray for the leaders and their families in the Central Plains Zone who are experiencing health issues may God strengthen, heal and restore their health.

Please pray for the participants in the InPrison & Beyond Ministry in the Georgia Zone to be strengthened in their faith as they study God’s Word.

Please pray for CBS leaders and participants studying the Bible in prisons around the world.  Pray for them to know the grace and mercy of God as their lives are transformed through the study of His Word.