Insightful Curriculum. Real Conversations.

Many churches and schools in East Asia Pacific (EAP) and worldwide use the Community Bible Study approach and materials in their own studies. We welcome this relationship with local churches and schools. CBS EAP has a clear statement of faith which will fit well with a broad range of orthodox (traditional and non-traditional) denominations and educational institutions.

Grow Together

People from many different churches attend Community Bible Study classes because they feel it both complements the work of their local church and helps them grow spiritually. We encourage class members to belong to and actively support their local churches. As class members grow in faith and in their knowledge of God’s Word they become better equipped to serve in their home, churches, and teaching in schools. Leadership skills learned in CBS and growing commitment to Jesus Christ, in turn, strengthen His body and the church, its local expression.

Contact Us

We are very grateful to the churches and schools that allow us the use of their premises for CBS studies and our aim is always to be a blessing there. If your church, denomination, or school would value using our materials please contact us. We keep costs within reach of local congregation’s school programs.