July 10, 2024

Jacquie Parker | July 10, 2024

 “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live…” John 11:25

Praise God for new opportunities of outreach that are becoming available in the Georgia Zone.

Please pray for the children and youth in Cambodia who are more interested in working than in studying God’s Word. Pray that God would help them understand His role as provider, and that He would draw them to seek Him in His Word with CBS.

Please pray for leaders and participants in the Federal Prison System in the Arizona/New Mexico Zone as they grow in their knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Please pray for God to raise up a coordinator for the CBS ministry in Scotland.

Please pray that leaders in the Philly Metro Zone will be rested, refreshed, revived, restored, refilled, and renewed this summer as He faithfully equips them to serve with excellence in the year ahead.

Please pray for the effective implementation of revised CBS training materials in Tanzania. Pray that the participants will continue to grow in their knowledge of His Word.

Please pray for freedom for CBS leaders and participants to be able gather together to study God’s Word in countries that are hostile to Christianity.