June 13, 2024

Jacquie Parker | June 13, 2024

For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him. Psalm 62:5

Praise to all the leaders who have expressed interest and are embarking upon experiencing Small Group CBS over the summer in the Kentucky/Indiana/West Virginia Zone. Pray they learn more about this new opportunity and are able to knowledgeably share the many benefits with others.

Praise God for the creative efforts of the CBS leaders to expand the Children & Youth ministry in an unnamed country in the Middle East/North Africa Region. Please pray that many children experience life transformation through the study of His Word in their heart language.

Praise the Lord for two national leaders serving the CBS family in Rwanda. Their dedication and love for the people is amazing.

Please pray for God to call and equip the leaders needed to serve the CBS family in Guam.

Please pray for a CBS young adult group that is meeting in Norway. Pray that the participants will prioritize the study of God’s Word and invite others to join.

Please join our Canadian CBS family, as they ask the Lord to raise up an Ambassador for Canada who has a love for the Lord, will cherish His Word, and will passionately share about the ministry, will help in growing and expanding the CBS outreach in this country.

Please pray for the Servants Team leaders in the Georgia Zone to be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy over the summer.

Please pray on behalf of CBS leaders and participants who are experiencing persecution for their faith.  Ask the Lord for mercy for them and for the courage to endure the trials they are facing.  Pray they will be aware of God’s presence with them.