June 4, 2024

Jacquie Parker | June 4, 2024

… for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. Philippians 2:13

Praise God with our Canadian classes for their wonderful Sharing Days, His abundant faithfulness, and for the Truths learned from God’s Word that have sunk deep into the hearts of the leaders and participants and become part of their lives. Give thanks to God for providing for all of their needs and for His strength and guidance for their CBS leaders and participants whose family members are ill.

Praise God for the CBS leaders that serve faithfully in an undisclosed country in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region. Please pray that they will be unified in the Vision of CBS to see lives transformed by the study of His Word.

Praise God for the launch of Spoken CBS classes in an undisclosed country in the Sub-Saharan Africa Region. Please pray that more group leaders will be called and committed to reach the significant number of oral learners in this country.

Please pray that the Lord will expand His territory in the New York Metro Zone by divinely connecting their North American Ambassador to those people who hunger and thirst to spread the Gospel through the study of God’s Word.

Please pray for the development of Spoken CBS trainers in Nepal especially among the youth and young adults. May they be equipped, inspired, and empowered to effectively share God’s Word.

Please pray for God’s provision for CBS materials to be translated for the participants in Ukraine.

Please pray for the leaders of a major denomination in an undisclosed country in the Middle East/North Africa Region as they consider implementing CBS methods and materials in their discipleship efforts.

Please pray for freedom for CBS leaders and participants to be able gather together to study God’s Word in countries that are hostile to Christianity.