June 3, 2024

Jacquie Parker | June 3, 2024

“Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!” Isaiah 6:3b

Praise God for another year of His goodness and faithfulness and please pray for God to instill a deep hunger for Him and His Word in the CBS groups, churches and communities across Wales.

Praise God for the testimonies given at Share Day in the Arizona and New Mexico Zone that celebrated and honored God’s faithful love to participants according to Malachi 3:16-18.

Praise God for answering the prayers of servant leaders and raising up more laborers in the New York Metro Zone to send into the harvest. May all these newly trained leaders recognize they are an answer to prayer and be equipped and confident in their new call.

Please pray for God to provide the necessary finances to translate more CBS courses for classes in two undisclosed countries in the Middle East/North Africa Region.

Please pray for God’s guidance and direction for a new CBS National Team in Chile.

Please pray for God’s wisdom as the Sub-Saharan Africa Sub Regional Coordinator meets with key leaders from a major denomination this month in Kenya. Pray for God’s favour to overcome previous barriers, establish effective classes, and yield much fruit.

Please pray for God’s timing, leadership needs and wisdom as classes in the Georgia Zone seek to offer Agape Core Groups.

Please pray for the National Director of CBS New Zealand as he visits classes this month. Pray for safe travels and inspirational uplifting of each class visited.

Please pray for the Spirit of the Lord to be with CBS leaders and participants around the world who are not free to openly follow Jesus. Pray that they will be empowered by the Lord to stand in the face of opposition and hold fast to the hope of their eternal reward in Christ Jesus.